I've got monthly temp data that spans over 16 years. I've formatted it like this in excel:
date | temperature |
2002-1-1 | 4.38 |
2002-1-2 | 2.88 |
2002-1-3 | 3.06 |
2002-1-4 | 5.53 |
2002-1-5 | 7.47 |
2002-1-6 | 10.62 |
2002-1-7 | 14.11 |
2002-1-8 | 15.82 |
2002-1-9 | 14.9 |
2002-1-10 | 12.81 |
2002-1-11 | 9.02 |
2002-1-12 | 5.51 |
This is the code in R I have so far:
all_temp <- ggplot(data = all_temp_data, x = date, y = temperature)
all_temp + geom_point(aes(x = date, y = temperature)) + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = temperature))
However the dates don't descend in terms of the month and year, just by the year to give a graph that looks like:
How do I change it to descend in month and years?
Based on the sample data provided: You should (probably) convert your dates to a real date format, using as.Date()
based on your sample data, try:
all_temp_data %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date, format = "%Y-%d-%m")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = temperature)) +
geom_point() +
sample data used
all_temp_data <- read.table(text = "date temperature
2002-1-1 4.38
2002-1-2 2.88
2002-1-3 3.06
2002-1-4 5.53
2002-1-5 7.47
2002-1-6 10.62
2002-1-7 14.11
2002-1-8 15.82
2002-1-9 14.9
2002-1-10 12.81
2002-1-11 9.02
2002-1-12 5.51", header = TRUE)