I want to display the Creator in Signature Detail. In "Signature was created using Not available."
This is my code for add sign info:
private void signDetached(SignatureInterface signature, PDDocument document, OutputStream output) throws IOException {
PDSignature pdSignature = new PDSignature();
pdSignature.setReason("Learn how to sign pdf with jvmfy.com!");
// the signing date, needed for valid signature
// register signature dictionary and sign interface
document.addSignature(pdSignature, signature);
// write incremental (only for signing purpose)
// use saveIncremental to add signature, using plain save method may break up a document
I looked in the PDF 32000 specification for Prop_Build
. This isn't implemented in the PDFBox example, and after searching for "PDF Signature Build Dictionary Specification" I think it's confusing. But this attempt works, based on what I saw in an existing signed PDF:
COSDictionary pbDict = new COSDictionary();
COSDictionary appDict = new COSDictionary();
appDict.setName(COSName.NAME, "PDFBox");
pbDict.setItem(COSName.getPDFName("App"), appDict);
pdSignature.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.getPDFName("Prop_Build"), pbDict);