I am using PHP libvips library when I am using this function writeToBuffer for write to buffer the image it gives me below types of error.
Fatal error: Uncaught Jcupitt\Vips\Exception: magicksave_buffer: libMagick error: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/blob.c/ImagesToBlob/2413
Note - This error occurs only when my image type is gif
$imagePathInfo = pathinfo($inputFileName);
$imgExtension = $imagePathInfo['extension'];
$img = Vips\Image::newFromFile($inputFileName, ['access' => 'sequential']);
$img = $img->writeToBuffer('.' . $imgExtension);
By default libvips will only load the first frame of an animation. To load all frames, set the n
parameter (number of pages) to -1. Use:
$img = Vips\Image::newFromFile($inputFileName, [
'access' => 'sequential',
'n' => -1
libvips 8.11 uses imagemagick to write GIF images. You need to tell imagemagick what format to write in with the format
parameter, eg.:
$img = $img->writeToBuffer('.' . $imgExtension, [
'format' => $imgExtension
libvips 8.12 (due by the end of Nov 2021) will automatically pass the correct format value to imagemagick, and also has a dedicated and much faster GIF writer.