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Why does calling someMockInstance.Object call constructor?

Sorry if this is really obvious...

I'm trying to understand why calling someMockInstance.Object calls the class constructor.

Here's an example:

public class Foo
  public Foo()
    // Init some stuff
  public virtual string DoSomething()
    // Blah
public class BarTest
  public void SomeMethod()
    var mockFoo = new Mock<Foo>();
    mockFoo.Setup(m => m.DoSomething()).Returns("SomeValue");

    // This causes a call to `Foo.Foo()`
    var result = new Bar(mockFoo.Object).SomeMethod();


And I guess as importantly, can we avoid it?



  • You're mocking a concrete class (rather than an interface). To do this, Moq will dynamically create a class which subclasses Foo.

    However, subclasses always need to call a constructor on their base class, and so this dynamically-created subclass will call Foo's parameterless constructor. This is a rule imposed by the .NET runtime which Moq cannot break.