A lot of people here seem to have the same issue, but with Github. I don't think that is my issue.
I am fairly new to this so I apologize if this is a duplicate question or if this is a stupid question.
I manage multiple ubuntu servers and I access them from my Windows computer. I am currently attempting to have ssh keys for all of the servers I have, but it seems like I cannot change the name of the RSA keys or directories. If I do that, the terminal asks me for a password.
mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -b 4096
Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\Me/.ssh/id_rsa):
scp C:\Users\me\.ssh\server1_rsa.pub server@serverip:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
(I want to have different directories or something to seperate the SSH keys)
Maybe something like this?
server1 pub
-erver1 priv
server2 pub
server1 priv
or maybe even
server1 pub
server1 priv
server2 pub
server2 priv
But this doesnt work. Any suggestions?
I am sorry if this answer is not making you happy, but I think it will solve your problem :). There is a post on stackoverflow, where you have to add the keys to your ssh-agent.
Kind regards