Given a list of cars and their top speeds, MPG and car cost. I want to rank them. With Speed a 'weight' of 50%, MPG 'weight' of 30% and car cost 20%.
The faster the car, the better.. The higher the MPG, the better... The lower the COST, the better...
What math formula can I use to rank the cars in order, based on this criteria?
So given this list. How can I rank them? Given then range of each are different?
A 135 20 50,000
B 150 15 60,000
C 170 18 80,000
D 120 30 40,000
A more general term for your problem would be 'Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis' which is a well studied subject and you will be able to find different model for different use cases.
Let's take a simple model for your case, where we will create a score based on weights and calculate it for each car:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({
'CAR': ['A','B','C','D'],
'SPEED': [135, 150, 170, 120],
'MPG': [20, 15, 18, 30],
'COST': [50000, 60000, 80000, 4000]
def Score(df):
return 0.5*df['SPEED'] + 0.3*df['MPG'] + 0.2*df['COST']
data['SCORE'] = data.apply(lambda x: Score(x), axis=1)
data = data.sort_values(by=['SCORE'], ascending=False)
This would give us:
2 C 170 18 80000 16090.4
1 B 150 15 60000 12079.5
0 A 135 20 50000 10073.5
3 D 120 30 40000 8069.0
As you can see in the function "SCORE"
we are simply multiplying the value by weight and summing them to get a new value based on which we list the items.
The important consideration here is whether you are happy with the formula we used in Score or not. You can change it however you want and for whatever purpose you are building your model.