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How can you get a random posistion around a known posistion in a 2d godot scene?

I am making an game that is like asteroids and I want to place an asteroid around the player but not always in the same place and not to far or close.

this is my current code(planet is another asteroid with a rigid body sprite and collision shape):

func create_asteroid():
   var planet_instance = asteroid.instance()
   asteroid_instance.position = self.position
   get_tree().get_root().call_deferred("add_child", asteroid_instance)


  • You could pick an angle at random:

    var angle := rand_range(0, TAU)

    Similarly, a distance:

    var distance := rand_range(min_distance, max_distance)

    And then figure out where that is from self.position. There is a polar2cartesian we can use for that:

    asteroid_instance.position = self.position + polar2cartesian(distance, angle)

    By the way, remember to call randomize at the start of the game, to seed the random number generator. If you need more control over that (e.g. being able to input a seed) use the RandomNumberGenerator class.