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Return value based on the continous parameter python

Is there a nicer, more cohesive way to achieve what function pace_points does? Pseudo code would be: with every x number lower of pace return value higher by y.

Next step pseudo code would be: with every x number lower of pace return value higher according to some distribution (e.g. exponential).

def pace_points(pace: float):
    if pace >= 6.5:
        return 0.5
    elif 6 <= pace < 6.5:
        return 1
    elif 5.5 <= pace < 6:
        return 2
    elif 5 <= pace < 5.5:
        return 3
    elif 4.5 <= pace < 5:
        return 4
    elif 4.0 <= pace < 4.5:
        return 5
        return 10


  • The following expresses you logic in a more compact form:

    import math
    def pace_points(pace):
        p = math.ceil(2*(6.5-pace))
        return 0.5 if p <= 0 else 10 if p > 5 else p

    FOLLOW UP: following @DanielHao comment below, just wanted to articulate on what the code does.

    • math.ceil returns the closest integer higher that the passed argument. It is different from round, which simply returns the closest integer. For example, math.ceil(2.3) will be 3, round(2.3) is 2. (the "sister" function to math.ceil is math.floor, which returns the closest integer lower than the passed argument.
    • math.ceil(2 * (6.5 - pace)) is a function that returns the desired values within the (0, 4.5] interval.
    • The final if...else...else takes care of the returned value outside the interval.