I try to find replacement for SciPy's cumtrapz
function function in Swift. I found something called vDSP_vtrapzD
but I have no idea how to use it. This is what I've done so far:
import Accelerate
var f1: [Double] = [<some data>]
var tdata: [Double] = [<time vector>]
var output = [Double](unsafeUninitializedCapacity:Int(f1.count), initializingWith: {_, _ in})
vDSP_vtrapzD(&f1, 1, &tdata, &output, 1, vDSP_Length(f1.count))
You're close, but you're using Array.init(unsafeUninitializedCapacity:initializingWith:)
incorrectly. From its documentation:
Inside the closure, set the
parameter to the number of elements that are initialized by the closure. The memory in the rangebuffer[0..<initializedCount]
must be initialized at the end of the closure’s execution, and the memory in the rangebuffer[initializedCount...]
must be uninitialized. This postcondition must hold even if theinitializer
closure throws an error.
This API is a more unsafe (but performant counterpart) to Array.init(repeating:count:)
, which allocates an array of a fixed size, and spends the time to initialize all its contents). This has two potential drawbacks:
If the purpose of the array is to provide a buffer to write a result into, then initializing it prior to that is redundant and wasteful
If the result you put into that buffer ends up being larger than your array, you need to remember to manually "trim" the excess off by copying it into a new array.
improves upon this by:
You're using Array.init(unsafeUninitializedCapacity:initializingWith:)
as if it were Array.init(repeating:count:)
. To use it correctly, you would put your initialization logic inside the initializer
parameter, like so:
let result = Array<Double>(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: f1.count, initializingWith: { resultBuffer, count in
assert(f1.count == tdata.count)
&f1, // Double-precision real input vector.
1, // Address stride for A.
&tdata, // Pointer to double-precision real input scalar: step size.
resultBuffer.baseAddress!, // Double-precision real output vector.
1, // Address stride for C.
vDSP_Length(f1.count) // The number of elements to process.,
count = f1.count // This tells Swift how many elements of the buffer to copy into the resultant Array