My discord bot creates qr-codes after a certain command. However I am unable to send this qr-code to the user as message:
import qrcode
def create_qr_code(string : str):
qr = qrcode.make(string)
return qr
# sending qr to user
qr_code = create_qr_code('some text')
# check if qr_code is None
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp=qr_code))
My print
statement returns something like
<qrcode.image.pil.PilImage object at 0x000001BD735FCF28>
which is fine and shows me that the creation of the qr code was successful. I wonder why sending it doesn't seem to work.
Actually I found a working solution myself using this solution:
First of all I create a qr code and return this object
import qrcode
def create_qr_code(string : str):
qr_code = qrcode.make(string)
return qr_code
I can now use BytesIO()
to send this qr code as binary file to discord:
import io
def some_other_function():
qr_code = create_qr_code('my string')
with io.BytesIO() as image_binary:, 'PNG')
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp=image_binary, filename='qr.png'))