I have a function which takes a sequence of function and a sequence of arguments. This should return a vector with the results of each function applied to the sequence of the arguments.
((solution + max min) 2 3 5 1 6 4) ;;--> [21 6 1]
Im trying to solve it with reduce but i dont know how to apply all functions it works only for the first function:
(defn solution
[& args]
(fn [& args2]
(reduce (first args) [] args2)))
Use juxt
((juxt + max min) 2 3 5 1 6 4)
=> [21 6 1]
Or define function solution
(defn solution
[& args]
(fn [& args2]
(apply (apply juxt args) args2)))
((solution + max min) 2 3 5 1 6 4)
=> [21 6 1]