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How to forcefully close GetX Snackbar?

I am using Get.snackbar() to show the process of connection to API. I don't understand how programmatically close a snackbar? I have the following code:

  Future<List> getImportantData(String inputData) async {
    try {
      final token =  basicApiAuthString;
      print("requesting API with the following request: $inputData");
          "Requesting very important data...",
          duration: 60.seconds, // it could be any reasonable time, but I set it lo-o-ong
          snackPosition: SnackPosition.BOTTOM,
          showProgressIndicator: true,
          isDismissible: true,
          backgroundColor: Colors.lightGreen,
          colorText: Colors.white,
      List importantData = await _client.requestAPI(basicAuthString: token, body: inputData);
          .then((importantData) {
              // Here I need to dismiss the snackbar I am still showing to user
              print("I want to close snackbar here but I don't know how to do that!");
              // Then I return data for future processing... 
              return importantData;

      return importantData;
    } on DioError catch (error) {
      // Here I handle all possible API errors... Also I want to close snackbar here as well.
 } // getImportantData() function.

I need to take into account, the following:

  1. app may be closed and open again during the request (so the snackbar may be closed, but I can know it by status callback (not shown)
  2. The snackbar may be dismissed by the user during request
  3. request may be completed in milliseconds
  4. There are possible API errors and .then() portion will never be executed.

So, I need some external way to close the snack. Navigator.of(context).hide... is not the solution as I use GetX.

————— PS: Here is the definition of snackbar that doesn't help me to clarify:


  • Use Get.back() to close the snack bar.

    If you want the user to close snack bar, You can use Get.back either in mainButton or onTap

          "Requesting very important data...",
          duration: 60.seconds, // it could be any reasonable time, but I set it lo-o-ong
          snackPosition: SnackPosition.BOTTOM,
          showProgressIndicator: true,
          isDismissible: true,
          backgroundColor: Colors.lightGreen,
          colorText: Colors.white,
          mainButton: TextButton(
                onPressed: Get.back,
                child: const Text(

    If debugLocked issue arise on close, use SchedulerBinding

     SchedulerBinding.instance!.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
          // Your Get Snackbar