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Adding data labels to line graph in Matplotlib

I have a hard time managing to add data labels to a matplotlib figure I'm creating. On bar graph I have no issue. For easier troubleshooting, I simplified it as much as possible but still with the same issue.

I've looked relentlessly but couldn't find the answer...

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dates = [10,11,12]
temp = [10,14,12]

temp_labels = plt.plot(dates,temp)

for x in temp_labels:
        label = temp[x]

                     textcoords = "offset points"),
                     xytext = (0,10),
                     ha = "center")

I'm having an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 16, in <module>
       label = temp[x]
TypeError: list indices must be intergers or slices, not Line2D

Here is what I have and I just want to value label on top of each point. Figure without label


  • In your code temp_labels is a list of lines, so x is a line object, which cannot be used to index a list, as indicated by the error. Start from here:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    dates = [10,11,12]
    temp = [10,14,12]
    for x, y in zip(dates, temp):
        label = y
        plt.annotate(label, (x, y),
                     textcoords="offset points",
                     xytext=(0, 10), ha="center")

    enter image description here