I have a randomly generated 128 bit guid (cryptographically secure). How can I use this as a seed to generate a public and private key for Bitcoin, using C#? By seed, I mean that every time I use the same guid as input, it should result in the same public/private keys.
I have looked at NBitcoin, but don't understand how to pull it off.
You can directly create 32 random bytes to be your private key. Example below. But it is VERY important: these 32 bytes must be from cryptographically-secure pseudorandom generator. For example, if you use C# built-in Random class, anyone will be able to restore your private keys with regular computer. You need to be very careful if you plan to use this in real bitcoin network. I am not sure if Guid generation is cryptographically-secure.
static void Main(string[] args)
byte[] GetRawKey()
// private key=1 in this example
byte[] data = new byte[32];
data[^1] = 1;
return data;
var key = new Key(GetRawKey()); // private key
var pair = key.CreateKeyPair(); // key pair (pub+priv keys)
var addrP2pkh = key.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Legacy, Network.Main); // P2PKH address
var addrP2sh = key.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.SegwitP2SH, Network.Main); // Segwit P2SH address