i know how to get the last element with the function last but is it possible to get the second to last element of a Sequence?
(defn last
(last args))
(last [1 2 3 4]) ;;--> 4 but i want it to return 3
Use reverse, take-last, butlast or nth (this one seems to be the fastest):
(defn second-to-last1 [s]
(second (reverse s)))
(second-to-last1 (range 100))
=> 98
(defn second-to-last2 [s]
(first (take-last 2 s)))
(second-to-last2 (range 100))
=> 98
(defn second-to-last3 [s]
(last (butlast s)))
(second-to-last3 (range 100))
=> 98
(defn second-to-last4 [s]
(nth s (- (count s) 2) nil))
(second-to-last4 (range 100))
=> 98