I have a component (NoteComponent
) that emits note-not-saved
. This message is handled via
<NoteComponent @note-not-saved='() => noteNotSaved=true' />
itself is defined in my <script>
<script setup lang='ts'>
const noteNotSaved = ref(false)
The application works fine, I have however a weak warning from my IDE (JetBrains GoLand or WebStorm)
Variable noteNotSaved implicitly declared
What does that exactly mean? How can noteNotSaved
be more explicitly declared than that?
The IDE may consider noteNotSaved=true
as an implicit declaration of a global variable.
Try changing its value as follows:
const { createApp, ref } = Vue;
const NoteComponent = {
template: `<button @click="$emit('note-not-saved')">Click</button>`
const App = {
components: { NoteComponent },
setup() {
const noteNotSaved = ref(false);
const setNoteAsNotSaved = () => {
noteNotSaved.value = true;
return { noteNotSaved, setNoteAsNotSaved };
<script src="//unpkg.com/vue@next"></script>
<div id="myApp">
<div><note-component @note-not-saved="setNoteAsNotSaved" /></div>
<div><p>Note Not Saved: {{noteNotSaved}}</p></div>