Okay so I am trying to input data from text file into dynamic arrays of strings. Each data tuple has 6 attributes. Hence 6 arrays. The problem is that when I populate all the arrays, It prints right values in loop. But when I try to access any of the array's element outside the loop, it gives the last word of text file as output. I have tried all the solutions available and none of them seems to work.
The code is:
int n(FILE **fp, int size, char **presenters, char **birth_numbers, char **room_codes,
char **authors, char **post_titles, char **presentation_types, char **presentation_times,
char **dates){
// Buffer to get input from the file.
char buffer[200];
// To check if the file is open or not
if (*fp == NULL){
printf("File not Open");
char *file = "konferencny_zoznam.txt";
fseek(*fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (size >= 1){
int length_of_arrays = sizeof presenters / sizeof *presenters;
if (length_of_arrays > 1){
printf("in null if");
presenters = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
birth_numbers = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
room_codes = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
authors = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
post_titles = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
presentation_times = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
presentation_types = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
dates = malloc((size+1)* sizeof(char*));
const unsigned MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH = 256;
char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
int i = 0, len = 0;
while(fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp)){
// len = strlen(buffer)+1;
presenters[i] = buffer;
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
birth_numbers[i] = buffer;
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
room_codes[i] = buffer;
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
authors[i] = buffer;
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
post_titles[i] = buffer;
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
presentation_times[i] = buffer;
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
presentation_types[i] = buffer;
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
dates[i] = buffer;
printf("buffer : %s", dates[i]);
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, *fp);
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
printf("presenter[0]: %s", dates[i]);
// Outputs 20200406 for each iteration which is the last word of file.
else {
printf("File not read already. Consider running command v before.");
You cannot do
array[i] = buffer;
because the buffer is a char array and stores the address of the char array. When you assign its value to a new variable, you are basically copying its address to a new variable. That's why each index of your array is pointing towards the same array that holds the latest value from the file.
You need to perform a deep copy by copying the contents of buffer variable either by strcpy or something else.