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ArcGIS for JavaScript 4.21 Emoji in textSymbol

Hello I'm using ArcGIS for JavaScript 4.21

I was abel to create a Graphic with poligon. I want to se a title to polygon so I have created another object above it. That object have a type "text" it is a SimpleText object. And it works fine with simple text with letters. But if someone use a Emoji in text it returns a this exception:

[esri.views.2d.engine.webgl.TextureManager] k {name: 'mapview-invalid-resource', details: undefined, message: "Couldn't find font josefin-slab-regular. Falling back to Arial Unicode MS Regular"}  

I think it is because of unicode, but in prevous version 3.32, I was able to use Emojies. I can't find out a solution to deal with it. So I want to ask if anyone has encountered this problem. Thank you.

here is my example in code pan. Problem is on row 144. If you change text: "👩" to text: "Helo" it works.


  • Tomáš, I don't think that will work.

    In 4x, the supported fonts to use with TextSymbol on graphics are limited to the list at

    In 3x, it worked quite differently, so the font support for TextSymbol was dependent on that specific machines general browser/OS support of fonts.