I am moving my project from yarn1 to yarn2+.
I'm using yarn to bump the versions of the packages in a monorepo and setting config version options with a command e.g. yarn config set version-git-message
in my ci pipeline.
However, with yarn2+ I am getting an error that says Couldn't find a configuration settings named "version-git-message"
My first question is, is it possible to set yarn version config options e.g. version-git-message
and version-commit-hooks
with yarn2+ ?
If not, how would I accomplish setting these version config options?
For reference, here are the scripts that I'm using in my CI pipeline
- script: yarn config set version-git-message "v%s [skip ci]"
displayName: 'tell the agent not to trigger a subsequent build after bumping the versions'
- script: yarn config set version-commit-hooks false
displayName: 'skip commit hooks'
- script: yarn config set version-git-tag false
displayName: 'skip commit tag'
Looks like yarn2+ removed a lot of their built in utilities that integrate with other tools. Where yarn 1 automatically created a git tag with the version
script, yarn2+ doesn't do that, so the git tag management scripts from yarn1 are no longer around.
Yarn2 also uses a plug-in architecture, so to use the version tools you'll need to install the version plugin