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How to make multiple FeignClient-s to use same serviceId/name?

assume 2 endpoints:

interface Endpoint1 {
    String echo();

interface Endpoint2 {
    String echo();

On backend side are both running in same server which is registered as serviceId="MY-SERVER" in Eureka or Consul or ...

public class Endpoint1Controller implements Endpoint1 {
    public String echo() {
        return "echo from Endpoint1"
public class Endpoint2Controller implements Endpoint2 {
    public String echo() {
        return "echo from Endpoint2"

now my 2 FeignClients have to share same name/serviceId to be able to discover the service in Eureka/Consul but serviceId should be unique per feign client! to deal with this?

public interface Endpoint1Client extends Endpoint1 {

public interface Endpoint2Client extends Endpoint2 {

The bean 'MY-SERVER.FeignClientSpecification' could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined and overriding is disabled.

Please consider there could be much more endpoints on single server/backend before advicing me to join it into single interface...


  • oooh, I see now! What should be unique is contextId not value/name

    @FeignClient(name="MY-SERVER", contextId = "THIS-SHOULD-BE-UNIQUE")