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Terraform - nested loop for vary attributes number


I'm having the following input structure (*.tfvars.json)

         "name":"Project 1",
                  "name":"Variable 1",
                  "value":"Value 1"

Parsed to a following tf variable:

variable "projects" {
  type = list(
    name              = string
    gitlab            = object({
      variables = list(
        name  = string
        value = string

the number of projects, as well as the number of variables in each project, can vary, therefore defined as lists.

First I'm creating the projects (gitlab provider) with a simple "count" meta-parameter:

resource "gitlab_project" "projects" {
  count    = length(var.projects)
  name     = var.projects[count.index].name

but then I'm struggling to create the projects' variables.


Using "count" won't work as it does not support nesting;
so the other approach I've found was to go with for-each loop.
I've flattened the map:

locals {
  project_variables = flatten([
     for project in var.projects : [
        for variable in project.gitlab.variables : {
           project_name =
           variable     = variable

but it still gives me nothing, as I don't see an option to retrieve the created project ID using unique attributes (like the name), and the project ID is required to create the variable resource:

resource "gitlab_project_variable" "project_variables" {
  project = gitlab_project.projects[...].id
  key     = ""
  value   = ""

It does seem like a reasonably simple requirement (just a nested loop that uses the first loop iterator as the index to retrieve project ID), but the solutions I'm finding are either not covering this particular case (with an undefined/variable number of arguments in loops), or are overly complicated...

Could you guys share how would you approach such a problem with terraform-newbie?


  • You are correct, you have to flatten your projects, but in a different way:

    variable "projects" {
      type = list(
        name              = string
        gitlab            = object({
          variables = list(
            name  = string
            value = string
      default =   [
             "name":"Project 1",
                      "name":"Variable 1",
                      "value":"Value 1"
             "name":"Project 2",
                      "name":"Variable 2",
                      "value":"Value 2"
                      "name":"Variable 3",
                      "value":"Value 3"
    locals {
      project_names = distinct([for project in var.projects:])
      project_variables = merge([
              for project in var.projects:
                    for variable in project["gitlab"]["variables"]:
                     "${}-${}" => {
                         project_name = project["name"]
                         var_name =
                         var_value = variable.value
          ]...) # do NOT remove the dots

    which will give:

    project_variables = {
      "Project 1-Variable 1" = {
        "project_name" = "Project 1"
        "var_name" = "Variable 1"
        "var_value" = "Value 1"
      "Project 2-Variable 2" = {
        "project_name" = "Project 2"
        "var_name" = "Variable 2"
        "var_value" = "Value 2"
      "Project 2-Variable 3" = {
        "project_name" = "Project 2"
        "var_name" = "Variable 3"
        "var_value" = "Value 3"


    resource "gitlab_project" "projects" {
      for_each    = toset(local.project_names)
      name        = each.key
    resource "gitlab_project_variable" "project_variables" {
      for_each = local.project_variables
      project = gitlab_project.projects[each.value.project_name].id
      key     = each.value.var_name
      value   = each.value.var_value