I have a made up dataframe to replicate the real problem I am trying to work through in python in reconciling account rates held on mainframe system to what they should be set to from rates tables.
I have 3 tables but they have been merged into one dataframe for this example.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame([[1234567890,3.5,'GG','N','N','Y',np.NaN,np.NaN,'N','N',3.5,'GG'],
columns = ['Account','Account_Spread','Account_Swing','indict_1','indict_2','Negotiated_Rate',
The Desired Outcome:
Sample Output with expected results:
columns = ['Account','Account_Spread','Account_Swing','indict_1','indict_2','Negotiated_Rate',
At present I don't have anything to share to work this problem out. I'm struggling to know what the best approach would be to get even started. Any help is much appreciated.
This answer is a response to some version related issues raised in my other one
You could try using masks thereby 'cond_...', something like:
cond_nan = df['Non_std_Spread'].isna() & df['Non_std_Code'].isna()
df.loc[cond_nan,'match_indict_1'] = df.loc[cond_nan,'indict_1'] == df.loc[cond_nan,'Non_std_indict_1']
df.loc[cond_nan,'match_indict_2'] = df.loc[cond_nan,'indict_2'] == df.loc[cond_nan,'Non_std_indict_2']
df.loc[cond_nan,'Is_Match'] = np.where(
(df.loc[cond_nan,'Account_Spread'] == df.loc[cond_nan,'Std_Spread']) & (df.loc[cond_nan,'Account_Swing'] == df.loc[cond_nan,'Std_Swing']),
"MatchOnSR", "MismatchOnNSR",
cond_no_nan = ~df['Non_std_Spread'].isna() & ~df['Non_std_Code'].isna() & (df['Negotiated_Rate'] == 'N')
df.loc[cond_no_nan,'Is_Match'] = np.where(
(df.loc[cond_no_nan,'Account_Spread'] == df.loc[cond_no_nan,'Non_std_Spread']) & (df.loc[cond_no_nan,'Account_Swing'] == df.loc[cond_no_nan,'Non_std_Code']),
"MatchOnSR", "MismatchOnNSR",