Hello dear community!
I need to write (my first) python script, which should download many views from one tableau dashboard and then save it in one excel-file. I have a problem with the connection to the tableau server with tableau-api-lib. I found this code and have a question:
from tableau_api_lib import TableauServerConnection
from tableau_api_lib.utils.querying import get_projects_dataframe
tableau_server_config = {
'my_env': {
'server': 'https://YourTableauServer.com',
'api_version': '<YOUR_API_VERSION>',
'username': '<YOUR_USERNAME>',
'password': '<YOUR_PASSWORD>',
'site_name': '<YOUR_SITE_NAME>',
'site_url': '<YOUR_SITE_CONTENT_URL>'
conn = TableauServerConnection(tableau_server_config, env='my_env')
What means site_name and site_url? Is it the url of dashboard? If not, how to find this?
You can use this:
The site url id can be ""
Password can be entered between the quotes, no {} needed
Ignore the personal access token portion
I am going to guess that the version is 3.11 as well
You can ignore everything after "if use_pat_flag"
# This example shows how to use the Tableau Server REST API
# to sign in to a server, get back an authentication token and
# site ID, and then sign out.
# The example runs in Python 2.7 and Python 3.3 code
import requests, json
# NOTE! Substitute your own values for the following variables
use_pat_flag = False # True = use personal access token for sign in, false = use username and password for sign in.
server_name = "YOUR_SERVER" # Name or IP address of your installation of Tableau Server
version = "3.11" # API version of your server
site_url_id = "" # Site (subpath) to sign in to. An empty string is used to specify the default site.
# For username and password sign in
user_name = "USERNAME" # User name to sign in as (e.g. admin)
password = "{PASSWORD}"
# For Personal Access Token sign in
personal_access_token_name = "TOKEN_NAME" # Name of the personal access token.
personal_access_token_secret = "TOKEN_VALUE" # Value of the token.
signin_url = "https://{server}/api/{version}/auth/signin".format(server=server_name, version=version)
if use_pat_flag:
# The following code constructs the body for the request.
# The resulting element will look similar to the following example:
# {
# "credentials": {
# "personalAccessTokenName": "TOKEN_NAME",
# "personalAccessTokenSecret": "TOKEN_VALUE",
# "site": {
# "contentUrl": ""
# }
# }
# }
payload = { "credentials": { "personalAccessTokenName": personal_access_token_name, "personalAccessTokenSecret": personal_access_token_secret, "site": {"contentUrl": site_url_id }}}
headers = {
'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json'
# The following code constructs the body for the request. The resulting element will# look similar to the following example:
# {
# "credentials": {
# "name": "USERNAME",
# "password": "PASSWORD",
# "site": {
# "contentUrl": ""
# }
# }
# }
payload = { "credentials": { "name": user_name, "password": password, "site": {"contentUrl": site_url_id }}}
headers = {
'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json'
# Send the request to the server
req = requests.post(signin_url, json=payload, headers=headers, verify=False)
# Get the response
response = json.loads(req.content)
# Parse the response JSON. The response body will look similar
# to the following example:
# {
# "credentials": {
# "site": {
# "id": "xxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
# "contentUrl": ""
# },
# "user": {
# "id": "xxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
# },
# }
# }
# Get the authentication token from the credentials element
token = response["credentials"]["token"]
# Get the site ID from the <site> element
site_id = response["credentials"]["site"]["id"]
print('Sign in successful!')
print('\tToken: {token}'.format(token=token))
print('\tSite ID: {site_id}'.format(site_id=site_id))
# Set the authentication header using the token returned by the Sign In method.
# ... Make other calls here ...
# Sign out
signout_url = "https://{server}/api/{version}/auth/signout".format(server=server_name, version=version)
req = requests.post(signout_url, data=b'', headers=headers, verify=False)
print('Sign out successful!')