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Get a list of files in S3 using PySpark in Databricks

I'm trying to generate a list of all S3 files in a bucket/folder. There are usually in the magnitude of millions of files in the folder. I use boto right now and it's able to retrieve around 33k files per minute, which for even a million files, takes half an hour. I also load these files into a dataframe, but generate and use this list as a way to track which files are being processed.

What I've noticed is that when I ask Spark to read all files in the folder, it does a listing of its own and is able to list them out much faster than the boto call can, and then process those files. I looked up a way to do this in PySpark, but found no good examples. The closest I got was some Java and Scala code to list out the files using the HDFS library.

Is there a way we can do this in Python and Spark? For reference, I'm trying to replicate the following code snippet:

def get_s3_files(source_directory, file_type="json"):
    s3_resource = boto3.resource("s3")

    file_prepend_path = f"/{'/'.join([1:4])}"
    bucket_name = str([3])
    prefix = "/".join([4:])

    bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name)

    s3_source_files = []

    for object in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix):
        if object.key.endswith(f".{file_type}"):

    return s3_source_files


  • For some reason, using the AWS CLI command was roughly 15 times(!) faster than using boto. Not sure exactly why this is the case, but here's the code I am currently using, in case someone might find it handy. Basically, use s3api to list the objects, and then use jq to manipulate the output and get it into a form of my liking.

    def get_s3_files(source_directory, schema, file_type="json"):
        file_prepend_path = f"/{'/'.join([1:4])}"
        bucket = str([3])
        prefix = "/".join([4:])
        s3_list_cmd = f"aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket {bucket} --prefix {prefix} | jq -r '.Contents[] | select(.Key | endswith(\".{file_type}\")) | [\"{file_prepend_path}/\"+.Key, .Size, \"{source_directory}\", (now | strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s\"))] | @csv'"
        s3_list = subprocess.check_output(s3_list_cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
        with open(f"s3_file_paths.csv", "w") as f:
        s3_source_files_df ="header", False).schema(schema).csv(f"s3_file_paths.csv")
        return s3_source_files_df