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How to listen changes inside TextController?

I am using GetX. I need to listen changes in TextController. The follow code do not work:

class Controller extends GetxController{

  final txtList = TextEditingController().obs;

  void onInit() {
    debounce(txtList, (_) { 
      }, time: Duration(seconds: 1));


Is does not print nothing when I am changing txtList value from UI. I suppose it's because it does not check text field inside txtList.

How to get it work?


  • You need to pass an RxInterface into debounce to do this via GetX. Just create an RxString and add a listener to the controller then pass the RxString into debounce.

    class Controller extends GetxController {
      final txtList = TextEditingController();
      RxString controllerText = ''.obs;
      void onInit() {
        txtList.addListener(() {
          controllerText.value = txtList.text;
        debounce(controllerText, (_) {
        }, time: Duration(seconds: 1));

    Then on any page in the app you can pass in that controller into the textfield and it'll print the value after the user stops typing for 1 second.

    class Home extends StatelessWidget {
     final controller = Get.put(Controller());
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            child: TextField(controller: controller.txtList), // this will print

    And if you need that value for anything else it's also always accessible via controller.controllerText.value.