I am using GetX. I need to listen changes in TextController. The follow code do not work:
class Controller extends GetxController{
final txtList = TextEditingController().obs;
void onInit() {
debounce(txtList, (_) {
}, time: Duration(seconds: 1));
Is does not print nothing when I am changing txtList
value from UI. I suppose it's because it does not check text field inside txtList
How to get it work?
You need to pass an RxInterface
into debounce
to do this via GetX. Just create an RxString
and add a listener to the controller then pass the RxString
into debounce
class Controller extends GetxController {
final txtList = TextEditingController();
RxString controllerText = ''.obs;
void onInit() {
txtList.addListener(() {
controllerText.value = txtList.text;
debounce(controllerText, (_) {
}, time: Duration(seconds: 1));
Then on any page in the app you can pass in that controller into the textfield and it'll print the value after the user stops typing for 1 second.
class Home extends StatelessWidget {
final controller = Get.put(Controller());
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: TextField(controller: controller.txtList), // this will print
And if you need that value for anything else it's also always accessible via controller.controllerText.value