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Taurus distributed load on workers with concurrency

I'm trying to write a taurus yaml configuration file that will allow me to split 200 threads among two workers. This is the part of the config file for setting this:

- distributed:
  scenario: scenario
  concurrency: 200
      PERFUSER: 400     
    script: /scenarios/scipt.jmx

But with this config every worker gets 200 threads. How can I write the config file such that what I specify for concurrency gets distributed equally to all workers (in this case 100 threads for each worker)?


    1. Taurus generates a JMeter .jmx script and kicks off JMeter Master process
    2. JMeter master sends the .jmx script to slaves
    3. Each slave independently executes the .jmx script and reports the results back to master

    Therefore if you define concurrency as 200 each slave will execute script with the concurrency of 200, in case of 2 slaves you will have 400 users, in case of 3 slaves - 600 users, etc.

    So you need to manually proportionally reduce the concurrency depending on the number of slave machines.

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