In SNOWFLAKE database, I was trying to create 2 sequences under same name but with case sensitive and for one sequence I was trying to increment by 1 and the other sequence I was trying to increment based on the value from staging table.
To explain better.
The below screenshot is the current sequence list in my SNOWFLAKE database, now I want to add two new sequences called scholarid (Small letters) with increment by 1 and create another sequence called SCHLARID (Captial Letters) with increment by next value (428846) generated from another table.
I tried creating the first sequence with small letters but it gets created in the list only as Capital letters and when I try to create the second one with Capital letters, it throws an error as below
I am not sure why I am not able to create 2 sequnces like something similar to AddressID (One with lower case and incremented by 1 and other with Capital letters and incremented in 44846)
Could someone please help me?
Identifiers are automatically converted into uppercase if you do not specify any quotes.
You have to use "AddressID" to have the final name AdressID and not ADDRESSID.