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Keras custom loss with dynamic global variable

So, I am trying to write a custom loss function for my keras model. The loss function needs a global variable which changes after every epoch to calculate the loss, But I am not able to get the dynamic loss. with tf.print() it prints the one static value.. so, can anyone point to some resource/solution so that I can use a global variable in the loss function which changes after every epoch. Thank you.


  • I'm also having the same inquiry. I found multiple references that can address the mentioned issue. However, I'm still struggling in implementing it with my own code.

    Solution One (recommended) : Adding a custom loss function by using model.add_loss. For references, you can check these sources:

    Solution Two: subclassing the loss function (might not be a good solution for your case)

    How to custom losses by subclass tf.keras.losses.Loss class in Tensorflow2.x

        def loss_carrier(extra_param1, extra_param2):
            def loss(y_true, y_pred):
                #x = complicated math involving extra_param1, extraparam2, y_true, y_pred
                #remember to use tensor objects, so for example keras.sum, keras.square, keras.mean
                #also remember that if extra_param1, extra_maram2 are variable tensors instead of simple floats,
                #you need to have them defined as inputs=(main,extra_param1, extraparam2) in your keras.model instantiation.
                #and have them defind as keras.Input or tf.placeholder with the right shape.
                return x
            return loss
        model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=loss_carrier