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How to open chromium with half of screen-width and aligned to right screen-border?

I would like to set the window-position within the total available screen, so it takes up half of the screen-size and is positioned at the right end of the screen with its right border. Couldn't find any docs about it, maybe it's not possible?


  • As the docs state, the args-option of openBrowser() accepts all of the Chromium browser launch options and the nodejs-package "robotjs" helps to get the screen-size. Also "screenres" claims to able to do that, but I haven't tested it.

    This opens the browser-window with half of the screen-width, and positions it to be right-aligned within the screen:

    const { closeBrowser, openBrowser } = require('taiko')
    const screenSize = require('robotjs').getScreenSize()
    const screenWidth = screenSize.width / 2
    const screenHeight = screenSize.height
    const windowSize = '--window-size=' + screenWidth + ',' + screenHeight
    const windowPosition = '--window-position=' + screenWidth + ',0'
    async () => {
      try {
        await openBrowser({ args: [ windowPosition, windowSize ] })
      } catch (error) {
      } finally {
        await closeBrowser();