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Minecraft Commands - Recursive Functions

I am making a laser weapon that is basically a function that repeats itself across the 3D world, with each command being executed a block forward in relation to the previous command. However, I found it to be extremely overpowered and decided to nerf it by reducing the effective range of the weapon. I believe that this can be achieved by stopping the recursion at some extend, for example stopping the recursion at the 101th time of it being executed would lead to an effective range of 100 blocks for the weapon.

A part of the code written in raycast.mcfunction

playsound master @a
playsound block.respawn_anchor.deplete master @a
playsound entity.generic.explode master @a
playsound entity.generic.extinguish_fire master @a

particle small_flame ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 100 normal @a
execute if block ~ ~ ~ air unless entity @e[distance=0.1..0.3,type=!armor_stand,type=!item_frame,type=!item,type=!player,type=!area_effect_cloud] positioned ^ ^ ^0.5 run function datapack:raycast

However, I can't quite figure out a way to achieve this, since all variables (scoreboard objectives) in minecraft seems to be available to entities only. A recursive function is not an entity albeit it "moves" in the 3D world.


  • To solve the problem, recursive functions cannot be employed as they are not treated as entities. I have figured out that by shooting invisble armor stands can I resolve the problem. To summon the armor_stand

    execute at @s run summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Invulnerable:1b,Tags:["melta","new_melta"]}

    main function

    execute as @e[tag=new_melta] at @s rotated as @p run teleport @s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    execute as @e[tag=new_melta] run tag @s remove new_melta
    execute as @e[tag=melta] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ air run tp @s ^ ^ ^1
    execute as @e[tag=melta] at @s run summon tnt
    execute as @e[tag=melta] at @s unless block ~ ~ ~ air run tag @s add crashed
    execute as @e[tag=crashed] run kill @s

    The code shown above can be used to shoot an armor stand at where the player is looking, and as it travels tnt would be summoned in its wake. This way we can turn the laser into an entity.

    The only drawback is that the laser does not travel at the speed of light, but moves 20 blocks per second (20 ticks = 1 second)