In the redux tutorial, we learned how to perform optimistic updates:
But in the API reference of updateQueryData, I found that an args
must be passed in:
const updateQueryData = (
endpointName: string,
args: any,
updateRecipe: (draft: Draft<CachedState>) => void
) => ThunkAction<PatchCollection, PartialState, any, AnyAction>;
So, if our post has pagination,
getPosts: builder.query({
query: (current: number) => `/posts?current=${current}`,
providesTags: ['Post']
At this time, how will we perform an optimistic update?
// Is there a way to update all getPosts caches?
// Am I missing some documents?
apiSlice.util.updateQueryData('getPosts', ???, (draft) => {
const post = draft.find((post) => === postId)
if (post) {
Since Redux Toolkit 1.7, that is possible.
It contains a api.util.selectInvalidatedBy
helper function that allows you to get all endpoints with arguments that provide
d a specific tag.
It can be used as following:
async onQueryStarted({ id, ...patch }, { dispatch, queryFulfilled, getState }) {
for (const { endpointName, originalArgs } of api.util.selectInvalidatedBy(getState(), [{ type: "Post", id}])) {
// we only want to update `getPosts` here
if ( endpointName !== 'getPosts') continue;
api.util.updateQueryData(endpoint, originalArgs, (draft) => {
// find in list & update