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R DBI all db operations give verbose output, how to turn off?

I'm using DBI and odbc on Win 10 to access a Snowflake DB and I don't know what I did but all of my DB queries and even the connection are giving verbose output where yesterday it wasn't. It's not a big deal, but it's flooding my console in Rstudio and is just kind of annoying. I searched the DBI and odbc pdf on CRAN for "verbose" and "debug" and neither word appears.

getOption('verbose') comes back as FALSE

curl::curl_options()[['verbose']] returns 41

running curl::curl_download("",'blah.del') doesn't return any verbosity.

Opening a new instance of Rstudio gives the same behavior.

However, using RPostgres to connect to a Postgres db is not returning verbose results.

Any other ideas on how to turn off the verbosity?

Here are a few lines I'm getting back in case they're relevant:

    2021-05-19T13:11:54.268 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "CLIENT_STORE_TEMPORARY_CREDENTIAL"
    2021-05-19T13:11:54.269 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "ConnectFunctions"
    2021-05-19T13:11:54.269 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "CPTIMEOUT"
    2021-05-19T13:11:54.269 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "CURLVerboseMode"
    2021-05-19T13:11:54.269 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "DEFAULT_BINARY_SIZE"
    2021-05-19T13:11:54.270 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "DEFAULT_VARCHAR_SIZE"
    2021-05-19T13:11:54.270 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "DriverODBCVer"
    2021-05-19T13:11:54.270 INFO  412 Simba::ODBC::ConnectionSettings::MergeMapContents: Optional setting: "EnablePidLogFileNames"


  • See the Configuration parameters and LogLevel sections in

    You can fix the where the logs get piped to or just turn them off in the Windows registry

    regedit -> Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Snowflake\Driver
    set LogPath = C:\Users\<YOUR ACCOUNT>\Documents\Snowflake ODBC Driver\log


    set LogLevel = 0

    I experienced the same issue when my sys-admin moved me to a new user account. Turns out that Snowflake had lost access to its logging file as the directory had changed. The same thing had previously only happened on a second (or greater) instance of R, presumably because the first instance locked up the logging file.