I am trying to copy a directory to my docker container. What I have noticed is that if the source directory contains bazel
build file then that directory doesn't get copied.
Source code:
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image", "container_layer")
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//docker/util:run.bzl", "container_run_and_commit")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
name = "bitnami-grafana-base",
commands = [
"tdnf install yum -y",
image = "@photon_base_image//image"
name = "scripts-dir",
srcs = glob(["scripts/**"]),
strip_prefix = ".",
package_dir = "/"
name = "bitnami-grafana",
base = ":bitnami-grafana-base_commit.tar",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
files = ["test.sh"],
workdir = "/",
tars = [":scripts-dir"],
cmd = ["/test.sh"]
the src in pkg_tar
doesn't get copied when I bash into the container, whereas if I just replace it some other directory(which is inside the same location as the scripts
directory) shows up.
Also, if I remove all the Bazel build files from the
scripts` directory then it gets copied.
So, why is it that a directory doesn't get copied if contains Bazel
How to copy those directories?
One part I know, not sure if this the best way.
Question: How do I copy directory containing bazel
build files.
In the root directory of source directory(which you want to copy to the container) put/edit bazel build file and add following to this bazel build file:
name = "scripts_dir",
srcs = glob([
Above will get all the files and you can refer that in other bazel build files with //something/something/scripts:scripts_dir
And then on the build file which creates container and copies the dir add this: The rest part of this build file, please see in the question.
name = "scripts-dir",
srcs = [
strip_prefix = ".",
package_dir = "/"
Why I can't just copy any directory without making the above changes is still puzzles me.