I have a fragment that can be dynamically navigated to from anywhere in my app, however, when the user leaves this fragment it shouldn't be added to the backstack.
E.g. if a user is at fragment A and navigates to this fragment (B) then to fragment C, when they click back they should arrive at fragment A not fragment B.
I have tried calling the following in fragment B:
resId = R.id.C,
navOptions = NavOptions.Builder()
.setPopUpTo(R.id.B, inclusive = true)
however, this does not work. Additionally, I cannot call this from fragment B:
resId = R.id.C,
navOptions = NavOptions.Builder()
.setPopUpTo(R.id.A, inclusive = false) // this line is different
as B does not know what its predecessor is.
Alternatively, I cannot call something like this in C on back navigation:
findNavController().popBackStack(R.id.A, inclusive = false)
or something like this in C on fragment creation:
as C does not necessarily know when its predecessor is either.
To make this even harder, I cannot call navigateBack() and then navigate() in fragment B for reasons internal to my app.
I believe this may be possible if I were to check the back stack and add some dynamic calls, however, this feels like a hacky solution.
Is there any neat way to do this?
I have tried calling the following in fragment B:
findNavController().navigate( resId = R.id.C, navOptions = NavOptions.Builder() .setPopUpTo(R.id.B, inclusive = true) .build() )
This solution should normally work, there was an internal bug in my app preventing the navOptions from reaching the navigate() call.