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What can I do to optimize my MIPS code further?

I am trying to optimize my code for my homework. I need to reduce total energy output by minimum 5 percent. I have included my code below. So far, I have only been able to reduce the energy output by 2 percent. This was achieved by adjusting my sub $t0,$t0, 32 and introducing another register($t8) initialized to -32 and replacing the above code with add $t0,$t0,$t8.This line of code is under the label LowerCasePoint.

The purpose of the code is to enter a sentence and have the character count for specific letters and then display that count numerically and with pound signs.

I have been staring at my code for hours trying to figure out what i can do and nothing is jumping out at me. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

#Comp Org
#Homework 2A

string: .asciiz "\nEnter A String:"     #prompts the user to input a string
input: .space 1000

li $v0,4            #printing the string
la $a0,string           #prompt for the string
syscall             #executing

li $v0,8 
la $a0,input            #prompting for the users input
li $a1,1000                 #loading 1000 into the register
move $s0,$a0                #moving the data into the new register

li $t0,0 #this register will be used for the count of c
li $t1,0 #this register will be used for the count of h
li $t2,0 #this register will be used for the count of a
li $t3,0 #this register will be used for the count of r
li $t4,0 #this register will be used for the count of e 
li $t5,0 #this register will be used for the count of o
li $t6,0 #this register will be used for the count of n
li $t7,0 #this register will be used for the count of g

li $t8,-32  #this will be used for the addition
loop: #loop for the string

lb $a0,0($s0) #load the first character into $a0
addi $s0,$s0,1 #used as an index and increments by 1
beq $a0,$zero,done #used as the else clause
sge $s5,$a0,'a' #checks for the lowercase range
sle $s6,$a0,'z' #checks for the lowercase range 
and $s5,$s5,$s6 #and condition used to check between the range of lowercase
beq $s5,1,lowercaseCount #branch to lowercase label

j calculate #jump to calculate label

add $a0,$a0,$t8   #subtracts 32 from the value stored in $a0


beq $a0,'C',cCount      #branching and checking for capital occurences for each one
beq $a0,'H',hCount
beq $a0,'A',aCount
beq $a0,'R',rCount
beq $a0,'E',eCount
beq $a0,'O',oCount
beq $a0,'G',gCount
beq $a0,'N',nCount

j exitCount

add $t7,$t7,1 #incrementing gCount by 1
j exitCount

add $t0,$t0,1 #Incrementing cCount by 1
j exitCount

add $t1,$t1,1 #incrementing hCount by 1
j exitCount

add $t2,$t2,1 #Incrementing aCount by 1
j exitCount

add $t3,$t3,1 #incrementing rCount by 1
j exitCount

add $t4,$t4,1 #Incrementing eCount by 1
j exitCount

add $t5,$t5,1 #incrementing oCount by 1
j exitCount

add $t6,$t6,1 #incrementing nCount by 1

j loop


li $a0,'C' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t0 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

li $a0,'H' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t1 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

li $a0,'A' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t2 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

li $a0,'R' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t3 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

#li $a0,'G' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
#move $a1,$t7 #and moves into the new register
#jal printCount

li $a0,'E' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t4 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

li $a0,'O' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t5 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

li $a0,'N' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t6 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

li $a0,'G' #checks for the uppercase letter and moves into the new register
move $a1,$t7 #and moves into the new register
jal printCount

move $v0,$a0        #moves the register
li $v0,11       #prints the character

li $a0, 'C'     #loads C into register
move $a1,$t0        #moves value of $t0 into a1
jal printhash       #jump and link to printhash

li $a0, 'H'     #loads H into register
move $a1,$t1        #moves value of $t1 into $a1
jal printhash       #jump n link to printhash

li $a0, 'A'     #loads A into register
move $a1,$t2        #move the register from $t2 into $a1
jal printhash

li $a0, 'R'     #loads R into register
move $a1,$t3        #move the register from $t3 into $a1
jal printhash       #jumps to printhash
li $a0,'E'      #loads E into register
move $a1,$t4        #move the register from $t4 into $a1
jal printhash       #jumps to printhash

li $a0, 'O'     #loads O into register
move $a1,$t5        #move the register from $t5 into $a1
jal printhash       #jumps to print hash

li $a0,'N'      #loads N into register
move $a1,$t6        #move the register from $t6 into $a1
jal printhash       #jumps to printhash

li $a0, 'G'     #loads G into register
move $a1,$t7        #move the register from $t7 into $a1
jal printhash       #jumps to printhash

li $v0,10       #syscall to terminate the program once this loop has been executed


move $v0,$a0 #prints the character
li $v0,11

li $a0,':' #prints the character
li $v0,11
move $a0,$a1 #prints the current count

li $v0,1 

li $a0,'\n' #prints the newline 
li $v0,11

jr $ra


#move $v0,$a0 #prints the character
#li $v0,11

li $a0,':' #prints the character
li $v0,11
move $a0,$a1 #prints the current count

li $s7,0        #indexing for the loop

bge $s7,$a1,exithash        #loop condition branch to exit loop if equal
li $a0,'#'          #loads # into the register
addi $s7,$s7,1          #adding 1 to the value in the register $s7

j hash              #jumping back to the start of the loop

exithash:           #label  of exit loop

li $a0,'\n'         #loading new line
li $v0,11           #printing the new line
syscall             #executing syscal

jr $ra              #jumping back to register $t1


  • You have:

         beq .... lowercaseCount
         j calculate

    This beq branches around a single jump instruction. That can be optimized to remove the jump, as follows: branch instead to calculate, on the reverse condition!

        bne calculate

    Further, you have j exitCount and there it does j loop.

    That's an unconditional branch to another unconditional branch, which can be optimized. Replace all j exit with j loop to skip that unnecessary hop.