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Forest plot facet grid comparing regression model coefficients from multiple models

I am currently working with 30 datasets with the same column names, but different numeric data. I need to apply a linear mixed model and a generalised linear model to every instance of the dataset and plot the resulting fixed effect coefficients on a forest plot.

The data is currently structured as follows (using the same dataset for every list element for simplicity):


data_list <- list()

# There's definitely a better way of doing this through lapply(), I just can't figure out how
for (i in 1:30){
     data_list[[i]] <- tibble::as_tibble(mtcars) # this would originally load different data at every instance

compute_model_lmm <- function(data){
     lmer("mpg ~ hp + disp + drat + (1|cyl)", data = data)

result_list_lmm <- lapply(data_list, compute_model_lmm)

What I am currently doing is


     facet_wrap(~model) #modelplot() takes arguments/functions from ggplot2

Plot of linear mixed model's beta coefficients using facet_wrap(~model) (throughout the whole list of datasets

which takes an awful amount of time, but it works.

Now, I would like to compare another model on the same plot, as in

compute_model_glm <- function(data){
     glm("mpg ~ hp + disp + drat + cyl", data = data)

result_list_glm <- lapply(data_list, compute_model_glm)

modelplot(list(result_list_lmm[[1]], result_list_glm[[1]]))

Plot of comparison between a single lmm and glm

but for every instance of the plot.

How do I specify it to modelplot()?

Thanks in advance!


  • The modelplot function gives you a few basic ways of plotting coefficients and intervals (check the facet argument, for example).

    However, the real power of the function comes by using the draw=FALSE argument. In that case, modelplot does the hard job of giving you the estimates in a convenient data frame, with all the renaming, robust standard errors, and other utilities of the modelplot function. Then, you can use that data frame to do the plotting yourself with ggplot2 for infinite customization.

    results_lm <- lapply(1:10, function(x) lm(hp ~ mpg, data = mtcars)) |>
        modelplot(draw = FALSE) |>
        transform("Function" = "lm()")
    results_glm <- lapply(1:10, function(x) glm(hp ~ mpg, data = mtcars)) |>
        modelplot(draw = FALSE) |>
        transform("Function" = "glm()")
    results <- rbind(results_lm, results_glm) 
              term   model estimate std.error conf.low conf.high Function
    1  (Intercept) Model 1 324.0823   27.4333  268.056  380.1086     lm()
    3  (Intercept) Model 2 324.0823   27.4333  268.056  380.1086     lm()
    5  (Intercept) Model 3 324.0823   27.4333  268.056  380.1086     lm()
    7  (Intercept) Model 4 324.0823   27.4333  268.056  380.1086     lm()
    9  (Intercept) Model 5 324.0823   27.4333  268.056  380.1086     lm()
    11 (Intercept) Model 6 324.0823   27.4333  268.056  380.1086     lm()
    ggplot(results, aes(y = term, x = estimate, xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high)) +
        geom_pointrange(aes(color = Function), position = position_dodge(width = .5)) +