So I wrote the following function:
deck <- function(){
face <- c("Ace","Two","Three", "Four",
"Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
"Nine","Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King")
hearts <- replicate(13,"Hearts")
diamonds <- replicate(13, "Diamonds")
clubs <- replicate(13, "Clubs")
spades <- replicate(13,"Spades")
suit <- c(diamonds, spades, hearts, clubs)
value <- c(1:13)
assign("deck", data.frame(face,suit,value),
envir = parent.env(environment()))
And it works fine, it basically shows me a deck of cards.
However, I thought that the argument envir = parent.env(environment() meant that if I wrote something afterwards, for example:
deck <- "Whatever"
the function deck() function would still be working - because the object deck was only modified in the global environment, but not on the parent environment. But that's not happening.
What's happening is:
Can someone please explain me why?
And how do I properly use parent.env(environment) to sort of protect my function from suffering any modifications? If I'm not mistaken, that process is called "closure" - that's what I'm interested in.
You are looking for the attach
function and not the assign
function. eg:
attach(list(deck = function(){
face <- c("Ace","Two","Three", "Four",
"Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
"Nine","Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King")
suit <- c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades")
cbind(expand.grid(face = face, suit = suit), value = 1:13)
Now this is include in your searchpath
. So if you change the function, you will mask this one. But otherwise it is available to you.
deck() # Gives you the deck of cards
deck <- "whatever"
deck # gives you whatever
deck() # gives you the deck of cards