The documentation seems to indicate this should be possible but I'm not having any luck getting this working as described.
net5.0 project, protobuf-net (3.0.101) and protobuf-net.BuildTools(3.0.101) are the only NuGet references
simple .proto file defined as:
syntax = "proto3";
message ExampleMessage {
oneof SomeGroup {
int32 foo = 1;
string bar = 3;
double baz = 4;
.csproj file snippet:
<AdditionalFiles Include="example.proto" OneOf="enum"/>
Code generates, but does not include any enum definition.
I know this is similar to another recent question, but that one doesn't address attributes and I wasn't permitted to comment there.
Short version: there was an error in the tool bundling; I have fixed this, and with an imminent build (currently working through the CI build), this should be resolved; the config in the question now works, with the additional output in the C#:
public SomeGroupOneofCase SomeGroupCase => (SomeGroupOneofCase)__pbn__SomeGroup.Discriminator;
public enum SomeGroupOneofCase
None = 0,
Foo = 1,
Bar = 3,
Baz = 4,