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Phase portrait of Verhulst equation

I was trying to an example of the book -"Dynamical Systems with Applications using Python" and I was asked to plot the phase portrait of Verhulst equation, then I came across this post: How to plot a phase portrait of Verhulst equation with SciPy (or SymPy) and Matplotlib?

I'm getting the same plot as the user on the previous post. Whenever, I try to use the accepted solution I get a "division by zero" error. Why doesn't the accepted solution in How to plot a phase portrait of Verhulst equation with SciPy (or SymPy) and Matplotlib? works?

Thank you very much for you help!


Using the code from the previous post and the correction given by @Lutz Lehmann

beta, delta, gamma = 1, 2, 1
b,d,c = 1,2,1

C1 = gamma*c-delta*d
C2 = gamma*b-beta*d
C3 = beta*c-delta*b

def verhulst(X, t=0):
    return np.array([beta*X[0] - delta*X[0]**2 -gamma*X[0]*X[1],
                     b*X[1] - d*X[1]**2 -c*X[0]*X[1]])

X_O = np.array([0., 0.])
X_R = np.array([C2/C1, C3/C1])
X_P = np.array([0, b/d])
X_Q = np.array([beta/delta, 0])

def jacobian(X, t=0):
    return np.array([[beta-delta*2*X[0]-gamma*X[1],  -gamma*x[0]],
                     [b-d*2*X[1]-c*X[0],             -c*X[1]]])

values  = np.linspace(0.3, 0.9, 5)                         
vcolors =, 1., len(values)))

f2 = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4))

for v, col in zip(values, vcolors):
    X0 = v * X_R
    X = odeint(verhulst, X0, t)
    plt.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1], color=col, label='X0=(%.f, %.f)' % ( X0[0], X0[1]) )

ymax = plt.ylim(ymin=0)[1] 
xmax = plt.xlim(xmin=0)[1]
nb_points = 20

x = np.linspace(0, xmax, nb_points)
y = np.linspace(0, ymax, nb_points)

X1, Y1  = np.meshgrid(x, y)
DX1, DY1 = verhulst([X1, Y1])  # compute growth rate on the gridt
M = (np.hypot(DX1, DY1))       # Norm of the growth rate
M[M == 0] = 1.                 # Avoid zero division errors
DX1 /= M                       # Normalize each arrows
DY1 /= M

plt.quiver(X1, Y1, DX1, DY1, M,
plt.xlabel('Number of Species 1')
plt.ylabel('Number of Species 2')

We have:

enter image description here

That is still different from:

enter image description here

What am I missing?


  • With the help of @Lutz Lehmann I could rewrite the code to get want I needed.

    The solutions is something like this:

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4), dpi= 80, facecolor='whitesmoke', edgecolor='k')
    beta, delta, gamma = 1, 2, 1
    b,d,c = 1,2,1
    t = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
    C1 = gamma*c-delta*d
    C2 = gamma*b-beta*d
    C3 = beta*c-delta*b
    def verhulst(X, t=0):
        return np.array([beta*X[0] - delta*X[0]**2 -gamma*X[0]*X[1],
                         b*X[1] - d*X[1]**2 -c*X[0]*X[1]])
    X_O = np.array([0., 0.])
    X_R = np.array([C2/C1, C3/C1])
    X_P = np.array([0, b/d])
    X_Q = np.array([beta/delta, 0])
    def jacobian(X, t=0):
        return np.array([[beta-delta*2*X[0]-gamma*X[1],  -gamma*x[0]],
                         [b-d*2*X[1]-c*X[0],             -c*X[1]]])
    values  = np.linspace(0.05, 0.15, 5)                      
    vcolors =, 1., len(values)))
    for v, col in zip(values, vcolors):
        X0 = [v,0.2-v]
        X = odeint(verhulst, X0, t)
        plt.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1], color=col, label='X0=(%.f, %.f)' % ( X0[0], X0[1]) )
    for v, col in zip(values, vcolors):
        X0 = [6 * v, 6 *(0.2-v)]
        X = odeint(verhulst, X0, t)
        plt.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1], color=col, label='X0=(%.f, %.f)' % ( X0[0], X0[1]) )
    ymax = plt.ylim(ymin=0)[1] 
    xmax = plt.xlim(xmin=0)[1]
    nb_points = 20
    x = np.linspace(0, xmax, nb_points)
    y = np.linspace(0, ymax, nb_points)
    X1, Y1  = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    DX1, DY1 = verhulst([X1, Y1])  # compute growth rate on the gridt
    M = (np.hypot(DX1, DY1))       # Norm of the growth rate
    M[M == 0] = 1.                 # Avoid zero division errors
    DX1 /= M                       # Normalize each arrows
    DY1 /= M
    plt.quiver(X1, Y1, DX1, DY1, M,
    plt.xlabel('Number of Species 1')
    plt.ylabel('Number of Species 2')

    We get what we were looking for:

    enter image description here

    Finally, I would like to thank again @Lutz Lehnmann for the help. I wouldn't have solved without it him.

    Edit 1:

    I forgot $t = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)$ and if you change figsize = (8,8), we get a nicer shape in the plot. (Thank you @Trenton McKinney for the remarks)

    enter image description here