I've been reading about code injection using unicode sequences and have been using a tool from Dotnetsafer to locate sequences in a codebad I've inherited. This sequence \uD83D\uDCCC
keeps coming up:
An example:
appears as: [588] __builder5.AddMarkupContent(51, "??");
actual : [588] __builder5.AddMarkupContent(51, "\uD83D\uDCCC");
What is this sequence? Why would the code be injecting it into HTML?
EDIT 1: I've looked up the sequence and the only thing remotely useful that I've found is https://unicode.scarfboy.com/?s=D83D+DCCC
Those are the UTF-16 code units that encode the Unicode character U+1F4CC (the pushpin emoji 📌).
How could you have found out?
Actually, come to think of it, you could just skip step #1 ;-)