I have incorporated Google's UserMessagingPlatform into my Android project for user consent to be compliant with GDPR for AdMob.
The problem is that the ConsentStatus always returns "NotRequired" when I test it on my phone. I have tried testing using Geography = DebugGeography.Eea but this does not make any difference. Furthermore, since I am based in EEA/UK this should not be required.
I am also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and using Reset() but this does not work either.
Form Status is always "Available" and when I force the form to show without checking ConsentStatus it works fine (I have checked and it has registered in the AdMob interface as a message shown).
I am using the Xamarin cross-platform bindings for UMP (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Google.UserMessagingPlatform/1.0.0).
The Google documentation https://developers.google.com/admob/ump/android/quick-start only mentions the following as an example for why consent would give not required as a response:
ConsentStatus.NOT_REQUIRED: User consent not required. For example, the user is not in the EEA or the UK.
Looks like the issue is due to a different order of required cases in Android and iOS modules:
public @interface ConsentStatus {
int UNKNOWN = 0;
int REQUIRED = 2;
int OBTAINED = 3;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UMPConsentStatus) {
UMPConsentStatusUnknown = 0, ///< Unknown consent status.
UMPConsentStatusRequired = 1, ///< User consent required but not yet obtained.
UMPConsentStatusNotRequired = 2, ///< Consent not required.
UMPConsentStatusObtained =
3, ///< User consent obtained, personalized vs non-personalized undefined.