This code works:
var source = "";
var client = new RestClient(source);
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
IRestResponse resp = client.Execute(request);
The xml is retrieved and displayed in the Console. But this code doesn't work:
HttpWebRequest httpsRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(source);
httpsRequest.Method = "GET";
var response = httpsRequest.GetResponse();
It throws a 403 (Forbidden) error...
I'd like to know why it doesn't work, because I have some legacy code using WebRequest, and before replacing all that code with RestClient, if there is an easy fix...
Add UserAgent header and it will work.
var source = "";
HttpWebRequest httpsRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(source);
httpsRequest.Method = "GET";
httpsRequest.UserAgent = "Test";
var response = httpsRequest.GetResponse();