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why do not getting notification in ios with firebase_messaging plugin in flutter?

I'm trying to send notification to the android and Ios device as well. It's working on android devcice but something fishy with ios token , not getting notification on ios devices , I have enabled background notification for ios. In fact it was working before few days ago but suddenly stopped working on ios device. I have updated firebase_messaging plugin but still not getting notification, also visited firebase_messaging issue ,this as well .

I think there is something wrong with my ios token , because I have tested from pushtry website and throw error saying Please check device token , but testing with android token , not getting any errors. so I could say that ios token is not generating properly. I did everything what I could do but every time got disappointed.

Here's my test Code:

class PUSHTest extends StatefulWidget {
 const PUSHTest({Key key}) : super(key: key);

 _PUSHTestState createState() => _PUSHTestState();

class _PUSHTestState extends State<PUSHTest> {
 String token = '';
 var serverKey =

 void initState() {

 getToken() async {

   String t = await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();
       "FCM TOKEN: $t");
   setState(() {
     token = t;

 showAlertNotification() {
       .then((RemoteMessage message) {
     if (message != null) {

   FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) {
     RemoteNotification notification = message.notification;
     AndroidNotification android = message.notification?.android;
     AppleNotification ios = message.notification?.apple;
     print("ios ios ios:$ios");
     if (notification != null && android != null && !kIsWeb) {
       if (message != null) {

   FirebaseMessaging.onMessageOpenedApp.listen((RemoteMessage message) {
     if (message != null) {

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
     body: Center(
       child: ElevatedButton(
         onPressed: () => sendNotification(),
         child: Text("SEND NOTIFICATION"),

// My FCM Payload To send notification to the device:

 sendNotification() async {
   print("send notification button pressed");
   try {
     http.Response response = await
       headers: <String, String>{
         'Content-Type': 'application/json',
         'Authorization': 'key=$serverKey',
       body: jsonEncode(
         <String, dynamic>{
           'notification': <String, dynamic>{
             'body': 'this is a body',
             'title': 'this is a title',
             "content_available": true 
           'priority': 'high',
           'data': <String, dynamic>{
             'click_action': 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK',
             'id': '1',
             'status': 'done'
           'to': token,
     if (response.statusCode == 200) {
       print("SENT NOTIFICATION TO THE DEVICE :$token");
       Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "SENT NOTIFICATION TO THE DEVICE :$token");
     } else {
       print("error push notification");
       Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "error push notification");
   } catch (e) {
     print("error push notification");


  • Okay, finally I found my stupidity, what I exactly did. actually It was 2 major mistakes.

    • firstly, I used permission_hander and haven't ask for permission for the notification because I was thinking it will be auto ask , when I added remote notification to the plistfile.
    • secondly, My huge stupidity, I have created 2 firebase project , added configuration file for android (google-service.json) from the another and ios(google-service.plist) from the other projects. and added server-key to the backend from one of them. Nothing wrong with FCM token.

    that's why it were working for android only.

    Now I have recognised my silliness and deleted duplicate firebase project one, and added configuration file from the original one and updated my server-key to my backend. and also asking permission for notification using permission_handler. That's all.