I am trying to create tikzpicture with vertical aligned numbers on the right side. But as you can see for example the numbers 10 and 11 are not aligned because the 0 is "bigger" than zero. How is it possible to align the numbers? Is it maybe better to use a table? If yes, how can I align the lines perfectly with the stacked bar?
\documentclass[tikz, class=scrreprt, fontsize=10pt]{standalone}
\usepackage[lf, p, sflf, sfp]{libertine}
\usepackage[stretch=10, shrink=10, final]{microtype}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows.meta, positioning, calc, decorations.pathreplacing, calligraphy, intersections, backgrounds}
\tikzset{every picture/.style={/utils/exec={\sffamily\normalsize}}}
\definecolor{black}{RGB}{0,0,0} % schwarz
\definecolor{dark}{RGB}{215,48,31} % dunkelrot
\definecolor{orange}{RGB}{252,141,89} % orange
\definecolor{yellow}{RGB}{253,204,138} % gelb
\definecolor{light}{RGB}{254,240,217} % hellgelb
\definecolor{white}{RGB}{255,255,255} % weiß
\tikzstyle{invisbox} = [rectangle, minimum width = 7cm, draw = black, outer sep = 0, inner sep = 0, text width = 7cm, align = left]
\tikzstyle{numbox} = [rectangle, minimum width = 2cm, draw = black, outer sep = 0, inner sep = 0, text width = 2cm, align = right]
\tikzstyle{line} = [solid, line cap = round, line width = 0.05em]
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
compat = 1.18,
width = 12cm,
height = 10cm,
axis y line = left,
axis x line* = bottom,
x axis line style = {line width = 1pt, line cap = round, shorten >= -0.75cm},
y axis line style = {line width = 1pt, line cap = round, -{Triangle[width = 6pt, length = 6pt, round, line width = 1pt]}, shorten >= -0.75cm},
grid style = {line width = 0.2pt, draw = light, opacity = 0.5, line cap = round},
legend style = {draw = black, line width = 0.5pt, legend cell align = left, at = {(0.96, 1.02)}, anchor = north east},
xticklabel = {$\mathsf{\pgfmathprintnumber{\tick}}$},
yticklabel = {$\mathsf{\pgfmathprintnumber{\tick}}$},
tick style = {line cap = round, draw = black},
tick align = inside,
x tick label style = {
align = center,
/pgf/number format/.cd,
precision = 2,
use comma,
1000 sep = {},
y tick label style = {
align = right,
/pgf/number format/.cd,
precision = 2,
use comma,
1000 sep = {},
/pgfplots/layers/PhDStyle/.define layer set = {
axis background, axis grid, axis ticks, main, axis lines, axis tick labels,
axis descriptions, axis foreground
set layers = PhDStyle
ymin = 0, ymax = 100,
ytick = {0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100},
symbolic x coords = {2020, 2025, 2030},
xlabel = {Jahr},
ylabel = {Marktvolumen (in Milliarden USD)},
enlarge x limits = {abs = 2cm},
xtick = data,
bar width = 2cm,
rounded corners = 1pt
\addplot[ybar, fill = none, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 34
2025, 63
2030, 84
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = dark, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 15
2025, 32
2030, 43
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = orange, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 8
2025, 15
2030, 18
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = yellow, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 5
2025, 5
2030, 6
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = light, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 4
2025, 6
2030, 9
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = white, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 3
2025, 5
2030, 8
\draw [line, line width = 1pt] (10cm, 7.071cm) -- (19cm, 7.071cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 6.398cm) -- (19cm, 6.398cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 5.64cm) -- (19cm, 5.64cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 5.135cm) -- (19cm, 5.135cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 3.62cm) -- (19cm, 3.62cm);
\draw [line, line width = 1pt] (10cm, 0cm) -- (19cm, 0cm);
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 0.673cm] at (13.5cm, 6.7345cm) (text1) {OS and Middleware};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 0.758cm] at (13.5cm, 6.019cm) (text2) {\raisebox{-9pt}{Body and Energy}};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 0.505cm] at (13.5cm, 5.3875cm) (text3) {Powertrain and Chassis};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 1.515cm] at (13.5cm, 4.3755cm) (text4) {\raisebox{-9pt}{Infotainment, Connectivity, Security}};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 3.62cm] at (13.5cm, 1.81cm) (text5) {\raisebox{-9pt}{Fahrerassistenzsysteme und autonomes Fahren}};
\node [invisbox, above = 0cm of text1, minimum height = 0.5cm] (text0) {\textbf{Total}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text0, minimum height = 0.5cm] {\textbf{\SI{9}{\percent}}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text1, minimum height = 0.673cm] {\SI{11}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text2, minimum height = 0.758cm] {\SI{10}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text3, minimum height = 0.505cm] {\SI{1}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text4, minimum height = 1.515cm] {\SI{9}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text5, minimum height = 3.62cm] {\SI{11}{\percent}};
You can make sure all your figures have the same width by loading the libertine
package with the t
option for "tabular figures"
\documentclass[tikz, class=scrreprt, fontsize=10pt]{standalone}
\usepackage[stretch=10, shrink=10, final]{microtype}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows.meta, positioning, calc, decorations.pathreplacing, calligraphy, intersections, backgrounds}
\tikzset{every picture/.style={/utils/exec={\sffamily\normalsize}}}
\definecolor{black}{RGB}{0,0,0} % schwarz
\definecolor{dark}{RGB}{215,48,31} % dunkelrot
\definecolor{orange}{RGB}{252,141,89} % orange
\definecolor{yellow}{RGB}{253,204,138} % gelb
\definecolor{light}{RGB}{254,240,217} % hellgelb
\definecolor{white}{RGB}{255,255,255} % weiß
\tikzstyle{invisbox} = [rectangle, minimum width = 7cm, draw = black, outer sep = 0, inner sep = 0, text width = 7cm, align = left]
\tikzstyle{numbox} = [rectangle, minimum width = 2cm, draw = black, outer sep = 0, inner sep = 0, text width = 2cm, align = right]
\tikzstyle{line} = [solid, line cap = round, line width = 0.05em]
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
compat = 1.18,
width = 12cm,
height = 10cm,
axis y line = left,
axis x line* = bottom,
x axis line style = {line width = 1pt, line cap = round, shorten >= -0.75cm},
y axis line style = {line width = 1pt, line cap = round, -{Triangle[width = 6pt, length = 6pt, round, line width = 1pt]}, shorten >= -0.75cm},
grid style = {line width = 0.2pt, draw = light, opacity = 0.5, line cap = round},
legend style = {draw = black, line width = 0.5pt, legend cell align = left, at = {(0.96, 1.02)}, anchor = north east},
xticklabel = {$\mathsf{\pgfmathprintnumber{\tick}}$},
yticklabel = {$\mathsf{\pgfmathprintnumber{\tick}}$},
tick style = {line cap = round, draw = black},
tick align = inside,
x tick label style = {
align = center,
/pgf/number format/.cd,
precision = 2,
use comma,
1000 sep = {},
y tick label style = {
align = right,
/pgf/number format/.cd,
precision = 2,
use comma,
1000 sep = {},
/pgfplots/layers/PhDStyle/.define layer set = {
axis background, axis grid, axis ticks, main, axis lines, axis tick labels,
axis descriptions, axis foreground
set layers = PhDStyle
ymin = 0, ymax = 100,
ytick = {0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100},
symbolic x coords = {2020, 2025, 2030},
xlabel = {Jahr},
ylabel = {Marktvolumen (in Milliarden USD)},
enlarge x limits = {abs = 2cm},
xtick = data,
bar width = 2cm,
rounded corners = 1pt
\addplot[ybar, fill = none, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 34
2025, 63
2030, 84
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = dark, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 15
2025, 32
2030, 43
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = orange, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 8
2025, 15
2030, 18
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = yellow, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 5
2025, 5
2030, 6
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = light, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 4
2025, 6
2030, 9
\addplot[ybar stacked, fill = white, draw = black, area legend, line width = 0.5pt] table[col sep = comma] {%
x y
2020, 3
2025, 5
2030, 8
\draw [line, line width = 1pt] (10cm, 7.071cm) -- (19cm, 7.071cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 6.398cm) -- (19cm, 6.398cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 5.64cm) -- (19cm, 5.64cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 5.135cm) -- (19cm, 5.135cm);
\draw [line] (10cm, 3.62cm) -- (19cm, 3.62cm);
\draw [line, line width = 1pt] (10cm, 0cm) -- (19cm, 0cm);
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 0.673cm] at (13.5cm, 6.7345cm) (text1) {OS and Middleware};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 0.758cm] at (13.5cm, 6.019cm) (text2) {\raisebox{-9pt}{Body and Energy}};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 0.505cm] at (13.5cm, 5.3875cm) (text3) {Powertrain and Chassis};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 1.515cm] at (13.5cm, 4.3755cm) (text4) {\raisebox{-9pt}{Infotainment, Connectivity, Security}};
\node [invisbox, minimum height = 3.62cm] at (13.5cm, 1.81cm) (text5) {\raisebox{-9pt}{Fahrerassistenzsysteme und autonomes Fahren}};
\node [invisbox, above = 0cm of text1, minimum height = 0.5cm] (text0) {\textbf{Total}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text0, minimum height = 0.5cm] {\textbf{\SI{9}{\percent}}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text1, minimum height = 0.673cm] {\SI{11}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text2, minimum height = 0.758cm] {\SI{10}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text3, minimum height = 0.505cm] {\SI{1}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text4, minimum height = 1.515cm] {\SI{9}{\percent}};
\node [numbox, right = 0cm of text5, minimum height = 3.62cm] {\SI{11}{\percent}};