I use gnuplot in Linux to plot residuals. I have all the input files named as (in1, in2, ...) in the Folder1, and I want to save all the output figures named as (in1.png, in2.png, ...) to Folder2.
This is my code:
# reaed inputs
FILES = system("ls ./Folder1/in*")
# create output folder
system "mkdir Folder2"
myOutput(s) = sprintf("%s.png",s)
# loop
do for [FILE in FILES] {
set output myOutput(FILE)
plot "< awk '/for p/ {print $8}' ".FILE with lines
I try to modify the command set output myOutput(FILE)
, like set output './Folder2/myOutput(FILE)'
, but then the output files would named as myOutput(FILE). I also try './Folder2'.myOutput(FILE)
but it generate the error cannot open file; output not changed
Could anyone help me to solve this problem? Thanks!
Under the assumption that you are using Linux, you can use the command basename
to extract only the last “in1" from the pathname ". /Folder1/in1".
% basename ./Folder1/in1
If you permit to use this command, your code can be modified as follows.
# reaed inputs
FILES = system("ls ./Folder1/in*")
# create output folder
system "mkdir -p Folder2"
myOutput(s) = sprintf("./Folder2/%s.png",s)
# loop
do for [FILE in FILES] {
BASENAME = system("basename ".FILE)
set output myOutput(BASENAME)
plot "< awk '/for p/ {print $8}' ".FILE with lines