I know that Python is available for Mac and Linux on ARM because I have Python installed via Homebrew on Mac and it's ARM and I have Python installed via apt
on Ubuntu and it's ARM. However, I can't find any download links for Python for Windows on ARM. The Windows download link on the Python website contain amd64
so it is for x86, not ARM, and the list of all links on the Releases page only contains links for 32-bit and 64-bit x86.
Is there any way to get Python natively on ARM on Windows? Maybe there's a beta or experimental build, or an unofficial build?
It will be supported starting with Python 3.11:
I'll probably make the ARM64 packages available through the Windows Store for 3.11's prereleases, and possibly as a side-loadable MSIX from python.org.
The same ticket also mentions an unofficial build for testing purposes: