the req.file property returned from the following does not contain a buffer property ( So when I try to access req.file.buffer it returns undefined. Can someone help to explain. `
const multer = require('multer')
const uploadtest = multer({
dest: 'avatar'
})'/uploadtest', uploadtest.single('upload'), (req, res)=>{
req.user.avatar = req.file.buffer
}, (error, req, res, next)=>{
res.status(400).send({error: error.message})
` the output from console.log(req.file) is:
fieldname: 'upload',
originalname: 'sample-doc-file.doc',
encoding: '7bit',
mimetype: 'application/msword',
destination: 'avatar',
filename: 'e488d6205717d45f397782b79d45fd8e',
path: 'avatar\\e488d6205717d45f397782b79d45fd8e',
size: 22528
This is expected, since you are using DiskStorage - the code initializes multer
with a "dest" option, so it will save the files locally. Take a look at the multer README - the API doc says in the "Note" column that buffer
is for MemoryStorage only.
Therefore, you must decide - do you wish to save the files to the filesystem (and get the path), or load into memory in full (and get the buffer)? In the latter case, the README contains a section called "MemoryStorage" that demonstrates how to configure multer:
const storage = multer.memoryStorage()
const upload = multer({ storage: storage })