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I keep getting positional argument errors when trying to use a method from another class in a new class

I have a ball class defined in Python, as follows, which is initialised with a mass = 1, radius = 1, and then we can set its position and velocity vectors as 2d numpy arrays.

class Ball():
    def __init__(self, pos = np.array([0,0]), vel = np.array([0,0]), mass = 1, radius = 1):
        self.mass = mass
        self.radius = radius
        self.pos = pos
        self.vel = vel

I also have a daughter class of Ball, called Container, which is essentially a large ball of radius 10, as follows:

class Container(Ball):
    def __init__(self, radius = 10):
        self.radius = radius

The ball class also has three methods which I would like to use in a new class, called Simulation. These methods are defined in the ball class, as follows (with the parameter other simply being another ball that the self ball collides with):

    def move(self, dt):
        self.dt = dt
        return np.add((self.pos),(,self.dt)))
    def time_to_collision(self, other):
        self.other = other
        self.posdif = np.subtract(self.pos, other.pos)
        self.veldif = np.subtract(self.vel, other.vel)
        self.posdif = np.subtract(self.pos, other.pos)
        self.veldif = np.subtract (self.vel, other.vel)
        self.raddif = self.radius - other.radius
        return (-2*, self.veldif) + np.sqrt(4*(, self.veldif)**2)-4*, self.veldif)*(, self.posdif), self.raddif))))/(2*, self.veldif))

    def collide(self, other):
        self.other = other
        return self.vel - (, self.posdif)*self.posdif)/(,self.posdif))

Apologies for the long calculation, but I do not think that calculation line is relevant to the problem necessarily, just included it for completeness. These methods, move, time_to_collision and collide are to be used in another class, Simulation. The simulation class is defined as follows:

class Simulation():
    def __init__(self, ball = Ball(), container = Container()):
        self._container = container
        self._ball = ball

    def next_collision(self):
        return self._ball.move(self._ball.time_to_collision(self._ball, self._container)) 

The simulation class aims to be initialised with a Ball object, and a Container object. It then has a method, next_collision, (with the only parameter being self) which uses the methods time_to_collision to work out the time between the collision of the ball and the container, and then it will use move to move the system to that moment in time, and then perform the collision using collide. The situation looks like this if a visualisation might help: enter image description here

I have tried to achieve this in my next_collision(self): method, but I am always getting the same type error:

TypeError: time_to_collision() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given


  • Your next_collision method takes just two arguments and you are passing three, just like an error says.

    The self argument is passed automatically when you call the method on an object. So you should use it as self._ball.time_to_collision(self._container) to achieve what you want.