I have the following collection
"Id" : "12345-7",
"Stock" : [
"Code" : "1",
"Qty" : 5.0
"Code" : "3",
"Qty" : 7.0
"Id" : "22222-0",
"Stock" : [
"Code" : "3",
"Qty" : 10.0
"Code" : "10",
"Qty" : 2.0
And I have this list:
{1 , 10}
My expected output is:
Id : 12345-7
Code: 1
Availability : in stock
Id : 12345-7
Code: 10
Availability : out of stock
Id : 12345-7
Code: 1
Availability : out of stock
Id : 12345-7
Code: 10
Availability : out of stock
Basically, if the values of the list doesn't exists in the Stock.Code
I need to generate a document with the value of the list. The last document of the expected output is out of stock
because there is a rule that is in stock
if Qty >= 3
I've tried this
"$unwind" : "$Stock"
"$match" :
"$in" : ["Stock.Code", list]
"$projoect" :
"Id" : "$Id",
"Code" : "$Stock.Code",
"Availability" :
My doubts are:
and Condition
to match my expected output?Query
to exist in array and with qty>=3Code
is out of stock
it is in stock
[{"$set": {"Code": ["1", "10"]}},
{"$unwind": {"path": "$Code"}},
{"input": "$Stock",
[{"$gte": ["$$this.Qty", 3]},
{"$eq": ["$$this.Code", "$Code"]}]}}},
"out of stock","in stock"]}}},
{"$project": {"_id": 0, "Id": 1, "Code": 1, "Availability": 1}}])
Edit1 (array operators)
If you want try this also that tries to keep things local, and unwinds only when done.
*the main difference is that works local in each document, and unwinds only when done, maybe will be faster
[{"$set": {"codes": ["1", "10"]}},
{"input": "$Stock",
"initialValue": [],
[{"$gte": ["$$this.Qty", 3]},
{"$in": ["$$this.Code", "$codes"]}]},
{"$concatArrays": ["$$value", ["$$this.Code"]]}, "$$value"]}}}}},
{"input": {"$setDifference": ["$codes", "$Stock"]},
{"Id": "$Id", "Code": "$$this", "Availability": "out of stock"}}}}},
{"input": "$Stock",
{"Id": "$Id", "Code": "$$this", "Availability": "in stock"}}}}},
{"stock-info": {"$concatArrays": ["$out-stock", "$in-stock"]}}},
{"$unwind": {"path": "$stock-info"}},
{"$replaceRoot": {"newRoot": "$stock-info"}}])
Edit2(array operators and keep qty)
If you want to keep the quantity also you can try this. Its a bit different maybe its faster than both but i cant test it.
If code exists on an Id it will have the quantity it had, else it will have quantity 0 (you can put any valua if code was not found, or even remove the field completely) change this part "Qty": 0
in or out on stoke, the other values map to nullaggregate(
[{"$set": {"codes": ["1", "10"]}},
{"input": "$Stock",
[{"$gte": ["$$this.Qty", 3]},
{"$in": ["$$this.Code", "$codes"]}]},
["$$this", {"Availability": "in stock", "Id": "$Id"}]}},
{"case": {"$in": ["$$this.Code", "$codes"]},
["$$this", {"Availability": "out of stock", "Id": "$Id"}]}}],
"default": null}}}}}},
{"$filter": {"input": "$Stock", "cond": {"$ne": ["$$this", null]}}},
{"input": {"$setDifference": ["$codes", "$Stock.Code"]},
{"Availability": "out of stock",
"Id": "$Id",
"Code": "$$this",
"Qty": 0}}}}},
{"_id": 0, "Stock": {"$concatArrays": ["$Stock", "$missing-codes"]}}},
{"$unwind": {"path": "$Stock"}},
{"$replaceRoot": {"newRoot": "$Stock"}}])