I don't understand this, I alter my table to add these columns
Schema::table('clusters', function($table)
in my store() I have this
$cluster->ssaEnabled = Input::get('ssaEnabled','0');
$cluster->ssaBackendUrl = Input::get('ssaBackendUrl','');
$cluster->ssaPortalApiUrl = Input::get('ssaPortalApiUrl','');
I kept getting
prod.ERROR: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: null value in column "ssaBackendUrl" violates not-null constraint
Why ??
in the 2nd param as an empty stringHow can I stop that ?
php artisan make:migration add_nullable_to_ssaBackendUrl_column_on_clusters_table --table=clusters
method allows you to modify the type and attributes of existing columns.
Schema::table('clusters', function($table)
php artisan migrate